Through development research, training, awareness creation, sensitization,information and communication process, we enable low income communities establish self-managed health micro insurance schemes.


A key component of AYI intervention involves helping the poor,low income communities, create and design health micro insurance products that meet local needs, priorities, and levels of willingness to pay,(Technical support). This is accomplished through a comprehensive series of studies, workshops to train, coach and assist communities develop relevant and cost-effective health micro insurance systems and processes that can meet their health needs.
Specifically, AYI undertakes promotion/marketing and distribution of insurance products: Creating awareness and empowering the population through Sensitizing, Information and Communication (SIC). This is done at the

•    Sub location level
•    Level of pre-existing and organized groups or
•    directly with households/families


Farmers’ Co-operative societies (coffee, tea, horticulture and dairy farmers) ,SACCOs Self Help Groups ,Welfare groups

Micro finance institutions

Professional bodies


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